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At Canadians for Affordable Energy (CAE) we speak out against policies affecting just about every single Canadian family. Rising energy costs inflate the price of everything, and makes life increasingly unaffordable.
We must keep energy affordable for Canadians.
That’s why we started CAE. We believe that if Canadians join together, and stand up to the powerful interests in Ottawa, we can help make energy more reliable and affordable, landing a blow for the little guy!
At CAE, we:
- Speak out against government policies that stifle our natural resource industry and raise the cost of energy across Canada.
- Keep you informed about government regulations that will impact the price of energy and let you know how you can join us in taking action.
- Predict the price of gas in major cities across the country to help you plot out the best times to fill up.
By becoming a supporter of CAE, you will receive information about all of this and more. We’ll also ask you for your opinion on important issues from time to time to better inform the work we do.
You know that when people join together, we can make a big difference. Join us and help us fight to make energy affordable.
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Support Dan's Work to Keep Canadian Energy Affordable!
Canadians for Affordable Energy is run by Dan McTeague, former MP and founder of Gas Wizard. We stand up and fight for more affordable energy.
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