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Butts’ return means high prices for Canadians

News | June 3, 2020

Last week I wrote about Gerald Butts and his instrumental role in the disastrous McGuinty-Wynne era Green Energy Act in Ontario. As Butts returns to Ottawa as a member of the “Task Force for Resilient Recovery”, let’s recall his time in the Trudeau PMO and the climate obsession that marks everything he touches, always leaving … Continued

Hypocrisy of the greens; Michael Moore’s film removed from YouTube

News | May 29, 2020

The controversy surrounding Michael Moore’s new film, Planet of the Humans, grew this week when YouTube took it down due…

Beware: Gerald Butts has returned to Ottawa

News | May 26, 2020

Gerald Butts, the former top advisor to Justin Trudeau who left government following the Jody Wilson-Raybould scandal, has returned to…

Is LEEFF help, or another chance for Liberal virtue signaling?

News | May 22, 2020

The energy industry’s weekly reminder that the federal government is actually against them came last Wednesday with the announcement of…

Carbon tax part two: the Clean Fuel Standard

News | May 21, 2020

What would life in Canada look like if September rolls around and Trudeau decides to call a snap election? According…

Trudeau spends, Canadians pay

News | May 20, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has made one thing very clear: our government doesn’t seem to even contemplate affordability for Canadians. If…

The easiest route across Canada? The Panama Canal

News | May 12, 2020

It has been almost 3 years since the Energy East pipeline was abandoned. TransCanada cancelled the pipeline after the National…

Green Party declares that “oil is dead”

News | May 8, 2020

According to former Green Party leader Elizabeth May, oil and gas are dead and the sector will not be a…

Planet of the Humans Part 2: What They Got Wrong

News | May 6, 2020

Last week, I published my review of Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans with the title “Planet of the Humans:…

Planet of the Humans Part 1: What Michael Moore got right

News | May 1, 2020

Michael Moore’s new documentary has nearly 5 million views on YouTube. The film has created an uproar in the environmental…

In praise of fossil fuels

News | April 27, 2020

It’s hard to do in the politically correct “green-is-god” world we live in today, but we should consider ourselves lucky…

Trudeau’s resource sector assistance package? More like the final nail in the coffin

News | April 22, 2020

Last week Prime Minister Trudeau finally announced the aid package he is sending to the struggling oil sector.  It is…

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Canadians for Affordable Energy is run by Dan McTeague, former MP and founder of Gas Wizard. We stand up and fight for more affordable energy.

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